Jay Suthar

Competitive Programmer || Developer || AI Enthusiast

Hello, I am Jay Suthar, a graduate student in Information Technology and Management at the University of Texas At Dallas. As a graduate student with a keen interest in machine learning, deep learning, and artificial intelligence technologies. my focus is on building intelligent systems that can learn and improve themselves through data. My proficiency in statistical modeling and programming languages allows me to pursue my passion with a strong foundation. My ultimate goal is to leverage my knowledge and skills to contribute to the advancement of AI technology and its applications in various industries.

I will be graduating in May 2024. Seeking Internship/Co-Op opportunities for Spring'24 and Full Time opportunities from May'24, Specifically in Software Development Engineering, Machine Learning and Data Science fields.

Feel free to connet with me at jay.suthar@utdallas.edu


Italian Trulli

Master of Science in Information Technology and Management (Minor: Data Science)

CGPA: 3.66

Curriculum Courses:

  • Advanced Statistics for Data Science
  • Programming for Data Science
  • Predictive Analytics for Data Science
  • Data Management
  • Big Data
  • AWS Cloud Solution Architecture
  • Business Data Warehousing
  • Business Analytics with R
  • Spreadsheet Modeling and Analytics
  • Object Oriented Programming Python
  • System Analysis and Project Management

August 2022 - May 2024

Italian Trulli

Bachelor of Technology in Electronics Engineering (Minor: Computer Science)

CGPA: 3.64

Curriculum Courses:

  • Computer Programming
  • Object Oriented Programming - C++
  • Digital Logic Design
  • Microprocessors
  • Design Engineering
  • Scripting Languages
  • Web Applicaion & Development
  • Data Communication Network
  • Internet Technologies
  • Image processing

Minor Curriculum:

  • Data Structures
  • Design and Analysis of Algorithms
  • Operating Systems
  • Theory of Computation
  • Compiler Design
  • DBMS

August 2016 - August 2020


Italian Trulli

Infosys Ltd. - Software Engineer

  • Designed and developed a logging framework that enabled real time logging and analysis of log data using GCP services, and hence reduced troubleshooting time by 80% for the clients.
  • Designed and executed a cutting-edge competitive analysis tool for Cisco, featuring a REST API for data collection and transformation. This tool contributed to a 40% faster product comparison process, enhancing market responsiveness.
  • Developed automation test cases for the Splunk web application using Cypress, resulting in a 25% reduction in bug resolution time and a 30% increase in development efficiency.

December 2021 - June 2022

Italian Trulli

Infocusp Innovations Pvt. Ltd. - Software Engineer

  • Developed customer service chatbot using the RASA framework and Python, the chatbot achieved 20% reduction in average handling time for customer queries.
  • Enabled auto-suggest functionality within the chatbot interface by integrating a seq2seq model with the RASA framework and leveraging RASA’s advanced NLU capabilities, resulting in an 18% increase in user interactions with chatbot.
  • Developed CI/CD pipeline to deploy customer service chatbot and its further iterations on Digital Ocean Server and reduced deployment time by 90%.

July 2020 - November 2021

Italian Trulli

AJA Technologies Pvt. Ltd. - Software Engineer Intern

  • Engineered a Purpose Catalog system that revolutionized mobile plan customization for telecom industry, resulting in a 40% increase in customer satisfaction and a 25% boost in average revenue per user.
  • Applied Cosine Similarity and Ensemble learning to enhance plan design precision and accuracy of recommendation, integration of KNN and SVD resulting in a 45% increase in conversion rate of users.
  • Designed an intuitive React.js frontend for users to check available plans and services, resulting in a 50% boost in user experience, while efficiently managing all CRUD operations through a Spring Boot REST service.

January 2020 - June 2020


Indian Sign Language Recognition for Static and Dynamic Gestures

Jay Suthar, Devansh Parikh, Tanya Sharma, Avi Patel

Global Journal of Computer Science and Technology(GJCST) - D: Neural and AI, 2021, vol-21, Issue-2

Virtual Switch

Ankur Varma, Jay Suthar, Dr. Mehfuza Holia

Journal of Operating Systems Development & Trends(JoOSDT), 2018,vol-5, Issue-3


Smart Device Operated And Controlled Electronic Virtual Switch


A Smart device operated and controlled electronic virtual switch comprises smart device application and the smart device application works on IOT (Internet of Things), in which user provide continues update of the appliance. Smart devices connected with WIFI Module and transmit to frequency to switch hub, and the switch hub consists smart device input connecting ports to receive all manner data from the smart device and sent to the microcontroller. Wherein microcontroller transmit the output connecting ports and microcontroller also interfaced with microwave sensor, ultrasonic sensor and LED lights. Once all process over the data, thereafter transmit to the relay module. Relay module operate by according to the data given by the smart device and switch hub as a such a manner and operate electronic appliances.

Ankur Varma, Jay Suthar, Dr. Mehfuza Holia, Dr. Milendrakumar Manilal Solanki

Patent No. : 503842

Application No. : IN201921033984

Date of Grant : Jan 28, 2024

Filing Date : Aug 23, 2019

Honors & Awards
